Allison Hritz
Students participated in various forms of bingo in order to win a variety of prizes ranging from small items, such as lanyards, to larger items such as a Kindle.
Students form a line from the table outside of room 701 in the Student Center back to the elevator. It’s so packed inside that it’s hard to see the carpet. Bingo has students dedicated and excited on a Thursday.
The Campus Activities Board (CAB) held its first monthly bingo game last Thursday and received plenty of attention from old and new students alike.
“Honestly, I was drawn to it from freshman year and I think it’s just the appeal,” Megan Thorpe, Vice President of Marketing for CAB, said. “For me it was something I played with my grandmother when I was younger. So maybe you might have played it whenever you were younger and kind of brings back memories, as well as the draw of our prizes.”
This year, prizes included a Kindle, a Polaroid camera, bungee chairs, yoga mats, tapestries, board games, and a mini-fridge. Bingo lasted from 9 to 11 p.m., and occurs every third Thursday of the month, typically in the Lawrence Hall Ballroom. Last Thursday, bingo was not held in the ballroom because it was already booked for a different event.
Bingo in the ballroom will return next month. Allison Hindman, the Pioneer Series Coordinator for CAB, said in an interview Thursday that there was a rationale behind the prizes available at bingo.
“It’s something you don’t have to think about and you can just have the opportunity to win things you normally wouldn’t buy on your own,” Hindman said. “As college students, I know that we’re all a little tight on cash sometimes and we don’t necessarily just go get stuff that we like rather than we need.”
Whether it’s nostalgia or the promise of fun prizes, Bingo Night is something that appeals to a large number of students, made evident by the sheer density of them in room 701 in the Student Center.
Room 701 is a fairly large room furnished with a fair amount of tables, but still eager students struggled to fit. There were people sitting on floors, counters and just standing with their bingo cards. An almost electric excitement reverberated throughout the room with chatter coming from all corners.
For more people to get in, they had to step over the students who had taken spots on the floor. Freshman theatre major Lisa Conte said that bingo really appealed to her in an interview at the event.
“[Bingo] is for all ages! It’s a fun game, and plus there’s prizes” Conte said. “I feel like college kids love stuff that’s free and I feel like it’s a wholesome thing to do.”