A new year means a new opportunity for growth.
In my nearly four years at Point Park University, I’ve experienced personal and professional growth as well as witnessed this same growth from the people and places around me.
When I first stepped foot on Point Park’s campus, the Center for Media Innovation was brand new, there was no downtown Pittsburgh Playhouse, Point Perk did not exist and an esports team was not in the works.
The university has grown.
I’ve watched the students around me graduate, switch majors, join organizations, rack up internships and gain experience each and every day they walk through campus and our downtown campus.
The class of 2020, as well as the entirety of this campus community, has grown.
The Globe has experienced triumphs and tribulations in the four years I have been a part of this staff. The staff has dwindled as well as content, reliable leadership and its reputation. Now, the staff slowly grows, yields new writers and looks ahead to a brighter future than yesterday. Progress is progress, no matter how large or small. This can be through assignments, a better quiz grade than the last, or finally grasping a concept that caused headaches a week prior.
The astronomical step of figuring out what you want to do for the rest of your life isn’t necessary immediately after college.
Working at an entry level position in your field or a leadership position in your field – as well as an odd job – will earn you money nonetheless. All money is green after all, right?
Money is awarded for every job, but not every job will give you the same happiness and peace of mind.
It’s important to grow at your own pace and avoid comparing your growth to those around you. In the age of social media, we recognize this is easier said than done, especially when picture after picture of the “perfect” lives friends are living are surfacing by the second.
But I promise you that their lives are not as perfect as they seem – and neither is yours.
The Globe has grown.
Town hall sessions will be held this semester to voice and hear out student concerns after a controversial Playhouse season agenda. Vanessa Love is the first to hold the title of Director of Title IX and Diversity.
The university’s culture has grown.
Growth can be objective. When thinking of a plant, we can see when a seed begins to sprout, or when the bud of a flower begins to bloom. The growth of this university cannot be concealed, as it is clear to naked eye.
Growth can also be subjective.
As a freshman, I would have never been able to predict where I am now. I would imagine most of my fellow seniors could agree.
I’ve developed a more concrete understanding of where I want to step next on my career path. I have discovered my likes and dislikes, as well as my strengths and weaknesses in my field; I continue to learn more each and every day.
I have grown, but my growth is subjective to yours.
I know individuals in my graduating class with jobs lined up after graduation, a job offer or, at the very least, have a job that they would like to have.
Others have no clue – and that’s okay.