Four Globes
Los Angeles New York (LANY), is back with their new album “gg bb xx” released on Sept. 3. This is the band’s latest release after “Mama’s Boy,” their third studio album from late last year. These small-town boys make songs that are supposed to resemble West and East coast pop music.
Straying from their typical indie-pop sound, this album is full of synth beats. Lead singer Paul Jason Klein experiments with his vocals to create an overlay collage of low and high notes. The 1975 lead singer Matthew Healy-esque tone brings the listener into a relatable sense of loving someone.
The album could have had a better arrangement, the songs commonly switch from messages of “love me back” to “I never want to love you again.” Tracks like “live it down” and “dancing in the kitchen” create too slow of a pace for the rest of the album to follow.
Performing about love may be considered overdone, especially for this Los Angeles based band signed to Polydor and Interscope records. Relationship drama, long distance relationships, and the intoxicating infatuation with lovers are well-versed in plenty of LANY songs. As said in “care less,” “Never think about you and what your friends say about me/We’re all gonna die.” The album reeks of flirtation that would better fit Valentine’s Day weekend. Musical artistry for LANY could be closure for the band.
Acoustic guitar, keyboard, drums and piano features only add to the tone of the newly released album. The instrumentals play well into the emotional lyrics. Jake Goss on the drum set and Les Priest on the guitar, back up a soft yet familiar Paul Klein voice.
Falling in love is never easy, even when wearing rose-colored glasses. Loving someone who seems perfect may be the beginning of the end. This is the message of “never mind let’s break up.” This song switches the tone from passionate love to fighting. Needing to love someone fully when they won’t love you back is heartbreaking, and can get worse as time progresses. Having a support system — friends, family, pets — can help getting over someone in a healthy way. Be sure to make time to care for those who are loved in life.
“gg bb xx” might appeal to modern pop fans, teenagers and millennials. The lovesick undertone drives home a great break-up album. For those going through situationships, “ex i never had” is a must. LANY will be on tour in the UK and United States until November 2021.