There are a lot of coffeeshops in the Strip District. In fact, there’s just a lot in the Strip District. It’s a wonderful area to walk around in, and it’s an even better area to walk around with a coffee.
Personally, I love walking around the Strip District and just sort of vibing, so adding a nice cup of coffee to that mix makes my usually enjoyable Strip District trip even more delightful. This week I went to Prestogeorge Coffee & Tea in the strip and had a fantastic cup of coffee that absolutely made my day.
(As a side note, this coffee shop was recommended to me to try. As a general reminder, I take requests! Please email me at with any and all Judging Java related requests and comments.)
Anyways, Prestogeorge was delicious. I asked the barista for a recommendation, and ended up opting for an iced butterscotch latte. Two things stuck out to me: the actual espresso was undoubtedly high quality, and the flavoring was also high quality.
When it comes to flavoring, oftentimes coffee shops leave more to be desired than they deliver on. Dunkin’ Donuts is notorious for having the worst flavoring known to man, and if I’m being honest Starbucks isn’t that much better (they have nine different drinks that basically amount to “iced vanilla coffee.”)
Not only did Prestogeorge have great flavoring, but it had great butterscotch flavoring. Most shops don’t even have butterscotch flavoring. But their variety didn’t stop there: Prestogeorge offered a wide variety of beans for purchasing in bulk, as well as a large assortment of teas. The place reminded me of Nicholas in Market Square, but with an even larger variety. The store was also much more spacious than Nicholas, which is a common complaint and frustration on a busy day.
What ultimately puts Nicholas above Prestogeorge is the location. Both are located in walkable areas, but there isn’t much to do in Market Square aside from getting food or going to CVS. Prestogeorge is located in the most enjoyable place to walk in the city of Pittsburgh.
I ended up having an absolutely fantastic day walking around the strip. That iced butterscotch latte and I went on an adventure. It journeyed with me through crowded sidewalks, multiple asian grocery stores (I was looking for a specific plum flavored candy that unfortunately I never found), Sunnyside, and finally to Eide’s Entertainment, the greatest place in the world. Granted, Eide’s is located between the Strip and the Cultural District, but it’s still an essential spot to hit if you’re a guy like me looking for a nice comic book.
Prestogeorge was a coffee that didn’t necessarily blow me away. Granted, I was impressed, but what really made me enjoy the cup was the location. I’ve traveled to many different cities, and I’ve never found a place quite like the Strip District.
Are you a fan of a coffee shop that you’d like Jake to judge? Email