After a six-day vote, Marc Palombo, a junior acting major and Trevor FitzSimmons, a junior political science major, won the Student Government Association election. Out of the 230 students who voted, Marc Palombo gained 76.5% of the vote.
His opponent Francesca Bracey, a junior sports, arts and entertainment management student offered a statement in response to her loss.
“I’m very thankful to have the opportunity that I did running in the race,” Francesca Bracey said. “Although I didn’t win, I’m grateful that the university students have chosen another amazing candidate.”
Palombo was “surprised” by the results because he thought the vote would be closer. When he takes office he first plans to spread more awareness about SGA by encouraging more social media activity.
Freshman animation major Malakai James voted for Palombo based on his political views.
“I believe President Brussalis is probably more likely to listen to someone like Mark,” James said. “He seems very approachable and someone who you can have a conversation with, so I think change is likely going to come from his run.”
Palombo is currently working on several initiatives and plans to expand upon them when he takes office. He wants to begin weekly events that utilize Pioneer Records and other clubs to engage students in SGA and school spirit.
“What I plan to do is work with the interim President, and make sure that they know that we do most of the work in cultivating the spirit and the Community here at Point Park, and that they need to do a better job in cultivating community well,” Palombo said. “It’s a lot, what I want to do, but I think it could really work, especially if people know who we are, they’ll be more willing to join our organization because the more people we have, the more we can give and work for the students here.”
Kelsy Geary is a junior sports, arts and entertainment management major, executive director of the campus activities board (CAB) and was part of the ballot counting process for the SGA election. She says that she isexcited to see what Palombo and the entire cabinet will bring next semester and spoke about previous initiatives that board members accomplished.
“Obviously SGA is like a really powerful organization,” Geary said. “They’ve done a lot this year with Kendra’s presidency, particularly the [free] bus pass that has recently developed, which I know has been a topic that they’ve been trying to tackle for many, many years. So, I’m glad that has finally come to pass and now for this next year, you know, I’m just really excited to see what they can do.”
FitzSimmons lost the vice president position last year and won after running for a second time. He plans to address internal issues and enforce more strict attention and retention during SGA meetings. In his current position as recording secretary, he and Palombo are working on a master calendar that has all of the events at Point Park in one place.
“I’m here to work for the students,” FitzSimmons said. “You guys elected me, I’m here to make change around here and make a better place for you and for everyone here at this university.
Eyes are on SGA to see what they will accomplish in the coming semesters.
“I think that for next year, it would be great to see SGA focused on some of the places where Point Park isn’t quite as inclusive as it could be,” Geary said. “We are obviously a very diverse community with lots of different people, and I think that we need to be focusing on that next year definitely.”
You can follow SGA on instagram at SGA_ppu. If you want to join as a senator before the next election reach out to current acting president Kendra Summers at for a position.