Finals week is fast approaching, and what better way to drown out your inner monologue panicking about school work than with some good tunes? Without further ado, here are every Globe staff member’s picks for finals week anthems.
Jake Dabkowski, Editor-In-Chief
I have two recommendations, one is for trying to relax in the library patiently spending hours on an assignment, and the other is for cramming an assignment that you put off for months into twenty minutes.
If you’re looking to relax, I recommend the smooth jazz stylings of Ryo Fukui. Fukui was a well-known Japanese pianist and his 1976 debut album Scenery remains a masterpiece. Beyond that, I recommend checking out that album’s 1977 follow-up Mellow Dream and his 2015 album A Letter from Slowboat, which was recorded live at the Slowboat Jazz Club in Sapporo.
If you’re looking to cram, I recommend anything from Death Grips. Their 2012 debut album The Money Store is by far their most well-known and accessible, and the industrial backbeats will no doubt get your adrenaline pumping, but if you’re really trying to get yourself in the zone I recommend their 2018 album Year of the Snitch, which is a personal favorite of mine. Their music may not be for everyone, but if you’re into chaotic beats and lots of yelling then this is probably for you.
Erin Yudt, Editor-Elect
My recommendation is for those numerous breaks while doing work to keep you pushing forward in a relatively positive mood: the “This is One Direction” playlist.
Love ‘em or hate ‘em, there is something about listening to One Direction’s cliche love songs from my childhood to preteen years that make me a little happier and distract me from the chaos and sadness that being cooped up during work can bring. Happy, upbeat music causes our brains to produce chemicals like dopamine and serotonin, which evokes feelings of joy. Being in a bad mood leads to longer, less productive work sessions. Having a mini dance break and screaming the lyrics to “Best Song Ever” is a great way to stretch and move your body and bring that frown upside down. I also recommend doing the Just Dance Wii dance to “What Makes You Beautiful” when taking a break. My body somehow always remembers the dance when I hear the song, but if you do not have your Wii handy, it is on YouTube. Some more upbeat One Direction songs that I recommend for mini dance breaks are “Diana,” “She’s Not Afraid,” “Girl Almighty,” “Drag Me Down” and “Olivia.”
Nostalgia songs in general are great to just jam and scream lyrics out to keep the blood pumping through your veins and stressed body, so pull up your favorite upbeat music and put on your dancing shoes.
August Stephens, Opinions Editor
Talon of the Hawk and In Sickness & In Flames are two The Front Bottoms albums that keep me motivated during finals week. Multiple songs have gotten me through stressful school-related moments in my life and I know I can always listen to them when I feel lost in college culture. Screaming the lyrics in a car or in a dorm room are equally as rage-releasing to the pulsing vocals.
As an addition, from my top Spotify artist of 2022, Source Decay by The Mountain Goats. This is the one song from the band I would willingly gatekeep. During finals week the ability to scream, cry and laugh is a need in order to finish out the year in a way which is healthy.
Mason Strawn, Co-Sports Editor
The People’s Champ or Change of Scenery II, both by Quinn XCII.
Both are more upper feeling vibes, but also calming as well. The songs vary on both albums between a more calming, even a little somber vibe, to a more upbeat almost there kind of feeling. It really encapsulates finals week and helps me through my work when I need to drown the world out for a minute to focus on my work. Just pop in an ear bud and listen to Black Porsche or Distracted Youth, and you’re all set. Of course, the album can be very mood orientated: if you stressing and need more of a rock it out style of album this one probably isn’t in your wheelhouse of preferred picks. But for those that just need to close their eyes, take a deep breath, and focus on the work with some comfort tunes, this is it.
Rachel Ross, Co-Features/A&E Editor
Spice Girls: Greatest Hits
Maybe a bit of an unorthodox pick, the Spice Girls never fail to give me that serotonin boost I need to buckle down and get things done. This collection in particular has a great mix of high energy songs from across their discography as well as slower, mellower offerings that still pack a punch, just in a different way. Their fun and vibrant energy reminds me that summer is right around the corner and keeps me motivated to finish off the year and my final assignments with my best foot forward. Although I would recommend Spice Girls: Greatest Hits for new Spice Girls listeners, their other three albums are also packed with plenty of vibrant bops and girl power anthems.
Ana Bellamy, Staff Writer
The Soul Soundtrack (only the ambient parts)
I put on the soundtrack for the 2020 Pixar film Soul every time I have to work on my semester-long assignments. The score that played throughout the metaphysical world was written by Trent Reznor and Atticus Rose in collaboration with Jon Batiste. I leave Batiste’s jazzier songs off my “ambient get to work” playlist because jazz causes me to focus more on the improvisational music itself rather than the assignment at hand. The score that Trent Reznor and Atticus Rose wrote allows me to pay more attention to my work. Their new-age music is slow at times when I am in need of a break and speeds up for when I need a boost to get stuff done. I tried listening to their other scores, but this one is a bit more optimistic, probably because they wrote it for a Disney movie and not a thriller. The Soul soundtrack also serves as a nice backing track for falling asleep or for the frequent end-of-semester breakdowns.
Kylie Thomas, Co-Features/A&E Editor
During finals week, I know I personally feel too many different emotions. I’m stressed, feeling bittersweet about the semester ending (and graduation for my fellow seniors out there), exhausted, sad about missing my friends, and somehow oddly relaxed. So, in order to make music recommendations that go along with these feelings, I have two suggestions.
My first recommendation is anything by the band Saintseneca but specifically their album “Pillar of Na.” They’re an indie-folk band that create mind-blowing songs from a variety of folk instruments. A lot of their music is slower paced and great for studying or doing homework. A lot of the songs are very peaceful to listen to like their song “Moon Barks at the Dog.” But it’s not just the vibe that is perfect for getting you through finals week, it’s also the subject matter. Saintseneca will take you through the highest of times and the lowest of times in just 10 tracks. It’s great for feeling all your emotions, good and bad and really helps with processing those emotions. They’re one of my favorite bands for how beautiful every single song is, they’ve perfected ethereal sound.
My second recommendation is going to be the album “Stomachaches” by Frnkiero andthe Cellabration (Frank Iero). This is a punk album from My Chemical Romance guitar player, Frank Iero, that’s great for getting out all those finals week frustrations. It’s easy to scream along with Iero as he spells out his fears and doubts about the world. My personal recommendation for a song to scream and jump to is “.weighted.” since it’s filled with heavy instrumentals and hardcore vocals. It’s one of the very few albums that has no skips for me and I could listen to every song over and over.
Kayla Sterner, Co-Sports Editor
All hail Queen Bee! While anything by Beyonce is a safe bet to listen to, I have to recommend her most recent piece, Renaissance — specifically the songs “Break my Soul,” “I’m that Girl,” and “Alien Superstar.”
The music is full of motivational mantras and laced with vibes that are sure to grant you peace and confidence as you tackle whatever stands in your path. It’s no secret that the Queen is active in her spiritual practice, which is most likely why the single “Break my Soul” was released on the summer solstice in 2022. It also explains the metaphysical feel you get while listening that can change the course of your day for the better, and who doesn’t need a pick me up when dealing with the stresses of college?
The album is full of different beats, making it hard to categorize this masterpiece into one genre. If you’re a fan of R&B, hip-hop, Afrobeats, soul sounds or music with an afro-futuristic feel, start bumping this album as soon as possible. Renaissance displays themes of self-expression and escapism while also unveiling spiritual ideals to impact the listeners subconscious. The songs in this album will undoubtedly give you the energy you need for finals.