During the meeting’s first open floor, first-year senators Zarrick Plizga and Madison Pickett presented a new idea for a Student Government Association (SGA) Health and Safety committee.
They presented the idea after students gained concern when The Globe printed a story titled “Mold in the Dining Hall,” and Triblive published their follow-up story “Health department cites violations at Point Park Dining Hall after student newspaper report” on Friday, Oct. 4.
“For me personally, my priority is keeping every student on campus safe with both mental and physical health,” Plizga said.
The committee not only intends to work towards better food for students but it also wants to work towards a safer campus for students in general.
“It’s understandable that since we live in the city things are going to happen, but it’s every week now we are seeing stories in the paper of students getting attacked or harassed,” Pickett said.
The committee will discuss ways to achieve these goals in the future, but hasn’t been approved yet as it is still being discussed amongst the SGA.

Constitution Approval
In the meeting, the constitution for the club “The Fix” was also voted on. The Fix is a digital media that allows for different media majors to collaborate. It’s a magazine to showcase student’s work that is being revitalized for this year.
The Fix Constitution was approved by a vote of thirteen.
The senators that are new to their positions will soon undergo training. The training consists of going over the bylaws and expectations for office hours.
The new senators will also be taught about who administrators are on campus so they know who to talk to do their jobs. The session will also simply give the senators an overall understanding of all the SGA processes, SGA President Kyle Maclaughlin said.
At the meeting, the senators discussed an event that SGA hopes to host in the future called Zine. The goal of the new event is to provide students with a cool and edgy environment that also teaches important subjects.
“I had the idea because I want to give an opportunity for a school event that is a little more radical,” Maclaughlin said. “I think Zine is a fun way to do that.”
Zine gives clubs like It’s On Us, which spreads awareness about sexual assault on campus, a chance to talk where it doesn’t feel so campus approved and calmed down Maclaughlin said.
Zine will most likely happen in the parking lot behind West Penn near where the new community garden is since it’s one of few Point Park public spaces.
SGA holds their meetings every Monday at 3:15 p.m. on the basement floor of the Student Center.