This past weekend was Point Park University’s first “Back to the ‘Burgh” weekend. Occurring the year after the successful 50th anniversary alumni weekend, the events offered a similar opportunity for alumni or former faculty and staff to return and see how many changes have been made.I have learned a lot about the nature of those who have interacted with Point Park throughout both of these weekends. For starters, we are fortunate to have so many dedicated faculty members who have been here for 20 plus years.These faculty members have become fixtures of the university and spread the feeling of a family as alumni come back knowing they will see that favorite professor or mentor. It is always wonderful to see the former students’ faces light up when they run into someone they haven’t seen in a while.I think that “Back to the ‘Burgh” weekend is also representative of the feeling that makes Point Park a unique university: the sense of family and belonging. Whether you were a student of Point Park College back when the corner of Boulevard of the Allies and Wood Street was a gas station, or are a freshman not remembering anything but the new “Urban Park” you share the experience of being here and spending time in our corner of the world.Talking to several alumni this weekend, the general consensus of the park is that it is a wonderful new space and they wish that it would have been around when they were here. As a senior graduating this May, I think that even I will have that outlook five or 10 years from now seeing the new Playhouse, the upcoming restaurant and other new and developing spaces.Most other universities plan a meet up and reunite weekend around a football game or sporting event. They unite to cheer on their name and excite in a win. Not that I do not love to cheer on a Point Park Athletics event when I get the chance, but I think it is unique and illustrative that we can unite without such an event.Our cause for celebration is a new park, the success of a faculty member or maybe the growth of our school.
Alumni relish campus changes, school growth
Written By Adelyn Biedenbach
June 29, 2016
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