On Friday March 18, Point Park University held a luncheon at the Engineers’ Society in downtown Pittsburgh to honor 27 student athletes for their accomplishments both on and off the field.”Chi Alpha Sigma is the National College Athlete Honor Society,” Director of Athletics Dan Swalga said. “A not for profit organization founded at DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana in May of 1996, the Society recognizes students who receive a varsity letter in their sport while maintaining a 3.4 or higher cumulative GPA through their junior or senior years. The mission of Chi Alpha Sigma is to bring honor and recognition to deserving student athletes, their families, teams, athletic departments and colleges in much the same way that Phi Beta Kappa honors scholastics. All levels of competition in the NCAA and NAIA can participate. Both the NCAA and NAIA approve the concept and mission of Chi Alpha Sigma.”Swalga also explained how the society came to exist at Point Park University.”The Department of Athletics applied to participate in Chi Alpha Sigma in the fall of 2010,” Swalga said. “We paid our dues and started the process to identify our junior and senior athletes. Michelle Coultas, the Assistant AD and softball coach coordinated the membership process and recent awards luncheon.”The student athletes that were eligible for the award were determined by Michelle Coultas the interim assistant athletic director.The award rewards the student for their athletics but more importantly their academics.”It is extremely important that our scholar athletes are identified and recognized as much as possible,” Swalga said. “To that end we have identified three different award levels. A Point Park University Scholar athlete is any participant who earns a 3.2 GPA. This includes underclassmen. The NAIA Scholar-Athlete Award is a junior or senior athlete who earns a 3.5 GPA. This award is identified by the NAIA, our governing organization. I mentioned the criteria of Chi Alpha Sigma above. All student-athletes are recognized at our various awards ceremonies throughout the year.”One of the students who was honored was Liz Velez, junior goalkeeper of the women’s Point Park soccer team, and she was honored to receive the award.”It’s an honor to be recognized in such a prestigious manner,” Velez said. “I am blessed to be recognized and associated with the group of athletes who are also a part of this society.”Velez also recognizes the importance of education in her life.”Ultimately I am in school to get an education, and I am simply blessed that Point Park has provided me with an opportunity to play soccer as well,” Velez said. “Being recognized for not only my hard work in the classroom but also for my work on the field is incredibly flattering. It means that I’m doing the right things with the opportunities given to me.”Velez already feels connected to Point Park, however the honor helps strengthen her connection.”With or without this honor I will forever be connected to the university,” Velez said. “I’ve grown exponentially because of my experiences here, but yes, this award makes me feel more connected to the Point Park Community.”Dean of Student Affairs, Keith Paylo recognizes the society’s opportunities for its athletes.”Chi Alpha Sigma, the National College Athlete Honor Society, is an incredible opportunity for the student athletes at Point Park University to be recognized for their achievements off of the playing field,” Paylo said. “Academics is paramount to the success of a student athlete and their future. This recognition into the National Athlete Honor Society, Chi Alpha Sigma, gives Point Park University the opportunity to recognize that our student athletes are well rounded, passionate about not only sports but also academics, and to recognize individual accomplishments in the classroom.”Paylo also noted the partnership and how moving forward, they look forward to continuing it.”The Athletics Department at Point Park University is proud to begin this prestigious chapter of Chi Alpha Sigma with such a strong group of awardees and look forward to many years of participation in such a worthwhile organization.”
Chi Alpha Sigma honors athletes
Written By Zac Weiss
June 29, 2016
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