There are a number of clubs that do their part for Point Park, but there is one club in particular that contributes to the University and the community with little to no recognition, according to its members.
With all the hard work the Rugby Club puts in on the field and off, they believe that by now they should have the recognition they deserve, not just from the students but also faculty members, according to the club’s president, Alden Roth.
“I also wish we were respected more on campus,” Roth said in the Student Center Feb. 18. “We have a decent fan base and are well respected by our peers, but I don’t think we get the same from the faculty of the school.”
While the club won the Outstanding Student Organization Award last year, Roth also brought up the struggle of being a club sport, not a University-supported organization. As a club, the team does not have the privilege of new jerseys and team apparel.
“We have technically been given permission to use the school’s trainer, but we don’t feel welcome there,” Roth said. “Certain faculty has made several promises to repay us for our annual help during fall move-in with vans to our games and desperately needed new team jerseys, but they have never followed up on these promises.”
Although the club appreciates everything that is done for them by the University, there is still more that can be done. But they are, without a doubt, excited for this coming season and according to Roth, they want and need the support from students.
Rugby captain and senior Troy Johnston has many responsibilities that people outside of the club do not realize must be done for this organization to run smoothly, as the team has no coach.
“As the captain of the team, I have several responsibilities,” Johnston said in the Student Center Feb. 18. “Without having a coach, the task of teaching the game falls on myself. I prepare the drills and activities for each practice as well as the conditioning workouts.”
According to Roth, running the club is a demanding and fast-paced job, which involves planning and organization.
“This all takes a good amount of time,” Roth said. “You, as the president, are expected to know how to solve the problem and do so very quickly.”
The team is dedicated to the University and has led many activities for Point Park and the University’s reputation, according to senior Joshua Coltura.
“For example, this past year we gave a percentage of the funds from Rent-A-Rugger to the club Strong Women Strong Girls,” Coltura said in the University Center Feb 20. “We helped with Move-in Day, Pioneer Community Day, and we partner with other clubs on campus, cleaned up a highway and volunteer in the Pittsburgh community as much as we can.”
According to Coltura, the Rugby Club has also been in contact with the First Lutheran Church of Pittsburgh to arrange for a steady flow of volunteer opportunities. He also feels the team has been an asset to the University for its academic reputation and achievement.
“We pride ourselves on having academically good standing with grades and staying out of trouble,” Coltura said.