Like hundreds of other students, I will be graduating from Point Park University on May 5. That’s less than two weeks away, which is both weird and scary at the same time.Being a Point Park student is not always a pleasant experience, as everyone knows. Point Park Memes and Point Park Problems exist for that very reason. In all fairness, there a lot of things that myself, and I assume many others will not miss.I won’t miss going West Penn and debating whether to risk a heart attack by taking the stairs or to risk eventual starvation if the elevators there get suck again. I also won’t miss any of the various other elevator problems on campus, including the people so lazy that they take the elevator up or down one floor.I won’t miss the various battles with Point Park’s email, including my mailbox being over the size limit every day, the constant changing of the password and deleting that Weekend Words of Wisdom email every week.I won’t miss going to the Patterson Building either, mainly because it’s annoying to not know what’s going on all those other floors of the building. Also, the giant painting of some guy on the second or third floor is really creepy.I won’t miss registering for classes every semester, only to discover that I can never really take what I want to. Even as a senior, that never got any better.But there is genuinely a lot of good stuff about Point Park that I will miss. Even if some of those outside complaints were there, I think it’s safe to say that most of us who go here have gained something by stepping into the classrooms. I know I have. I wanted to be a writer and a journalist when I started here, and I am now better at that than when I walked in.The instructors really do care, and they are very knowledgeable, with a couple of exceptions. Some of the best professors I had here were ones that weren’t even in my major. Even when I wasn’t expecting to gain much from a class, I often did anyway. I know Point Park wants to expand, but part of what made this school so likeable was its small campus. With how small everything is, you get to see the same people often, which makes it feel more like a community. However, that is a downside if there’s a really annoying person you want to avoid. At Point Park, you see everyone at some point, and I’m sure most of us would just be glad to have the roadwork and construction over with. Creating a bridge to get to West Penn shouldn’t be necessary.Again, what really matters in the end is that most of us gained a lot by coming here. I hope everyone else feels the same way in that regard. I know that although there was a lot of frustration, I grew more as a person and am prepared now to work in my field. I even met my amazing girlfriend because I went here.In the end, it was really a worthwhile experience coming here. I couldn’t have hoped for anything better. It was a good four years.
Student shares college experience, reflects on four years at Point Park University
Written By Shane Bliss
June 29, 2016
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