photo by Connor Hochbein
CAB hosted its annual Halloween party on Wed. Oct. 21 at the Altar Bar in the Strip District. This years theme was The Sideshow Soiree, where hired performers, some accessorized with live snakes, mingled in the crowd of students.
Point Park students dressed up in their spookiest Halloween garb and boarded shuttles to attend CAB’s annual Halloween dance at the Altar Bar Wednesday night.
As students entered the ominous old church, the sound of loud dancing music filled the atmosphere as students took to the dance floor.
“Loads of planning went into this event. We started planning the Sideshow Soiree sometime in the beginning of the semester and we were definitely happy with the turnout,” said Eva Smith, CAB’s Spirit and Tradition Coordinator.
The Sideshow Soiree’s theme, inspired from the popular FX series American Horror Story, featured a fire breather, a DJ and a variety of snacks and food.
The Altar Bar had a crowd of approximately 150 students in attendance.
Overall, the dance floor of the Altar Bar was lively and full of fun no matter what song was being played, ranging from classics like “The Monster Mash” to the new modernized pop phenomenon “Watch Me.” Students were dancing from the time the Altar Bar opened at 8 p.m. until the event ended at 11 p.m.
“It’s been a success every year and we’ve been really lucky. We want to give students a safe alternative to other Halloween activities like typical partying,” Maggie McCauley, CAB’s Public Relations Coordinator said. “I also feel like this year attracted a different crowd, and that might’ve been related to the theme.”
The Campus Activities Board has events that take place every month. The first Friday of every month is Coffee with CAB, the second Saturday is Point Park After Dark, and the third Thursday is late night bingo.
“Honestly, our most popular event is probably late night bingo. It sounds crazy, I know, college students liking bingo. We’ve had some great prizes in the past, and this upcoming bingo night is decades-themed so the prizes will be based off of different generations,” McCauley said. “We also [have] an event coming up that is sort of a game show mashup. It’s a combination of popular game shows like Jeopardy and Minute to Win it, and we think that it’s going to be a lot of fun.”
CAB is also planning a Turkey Bowl event for students to team up with fellow classmates in a flag football tournament. They hope to have the event at Highmark Stadium.
“While this wraps up our October calendar, we have plenty of events for students to look forward to in November,” McCauley said.
CAB is always looking for ways to yield a higher student turnout. For more information and to stay up to date about upcoming CAB events, visit the organization’s Facebook page, or check it out on Twitter and Instagram.