I know as you read this, you are probably thinking what makes me, a freshman, qualified to be giving other students advice. Honestly, I do not know if you would view me as qualified. Nevertheless, I am lucky enough to write this column.
I want all of you readers to trust me and feel comfortable enough to ask me questions. First, I want you to know me. I’m from Pittsburgh and I chose to attend Point Park because I felt there was a place for me in this community. I’m here studying a dual major in creative writing and psychology. I am also a senator of the Student Government Association.
If you have never read an advice column, then let me explain how it works. Each week I will pick an email submitted to me and write a response to the emailer’s question. My email to take submissions will be placed at the bottom of each article.
I want to finish my first article by giving my first piece of advice:
“Always be open”
Letting your mind stay open to new experiences and new people will pull you outside your comfort zone. The best thing for a person is to experience new things and learn new skills.
I understand we are not all extroverts, but you do not need to be an outgoing person to let in new experiences. It may be hard to not instantly judge, as we have grown up in a society where people have the ability to say anything they think without fear of consequence.
People need to remember that everything you love was once something new to you.
Say you were a dance major and your parents never pushed you into ballet. You would never have learned all the amazing moves you know today. You would not be able to kill it on the dance floor let alone be at this school doing the thing you love.
So again I say, “Always be open,” in hopes that it will lead you to a new love. Whether it’s open to food or open to an activity or open to meeting your new classmates this semester, it is always important to give everything and everyone a chance.