How do I talk to a friend about something that could possibly hurt their feelings? How do you express that someone else hurt your feelings?
Excellent questions, the first thing we need to think about when expressing our emotions or having a difficult conversation is knowing what to say and what not to say. Some people can find it hard to know when something is not meant to be said. For example: a new friend tells you about this person they have a crush on. Some people might find it acceptable to share this with their best friend, but without knowing it they could be putting a strain on this new relationship. This is because some people prefer their privacy.
Another thing you need to look out for is the atmosphere of the room. You should not want to put any more stress or pain on the person you’re talking to. For example, if you are in a group going out to a party, you should not inform someone that they did something that made you uncomfortable right as you walk into the party. This is because they will most likely want to talk it out. However, you’re in an environment where you cannot discuss the situation. If they are anything like me, they will not be able to stop thinking about it, and it would most likely ruin their night.
The best way to bring up difficult conversations is to be straightforward. You should try to go to an environment where you can be alone with this person. Then ask if you can talk to them about something. Ask for their patience until after you are able to express your full thoughts. Then, you clearly explain your feelings. Try your best to express them, but remember that we do not always know how we feel. After you’re finished, you should start talking to them about how they are feeling and what the next steps are for you both to take. Decide if you can mend your wound or if you should part ways.
Do you need some advice? Are people in your life too indecisive? Do you need a new point of view?
Just email me and I will answer your questions here.