Dear readers,
The mission of The Globe is to report on and inform the Point Park University community of significant, interesting and noteworthy events happening on and around campus. Every student who works on and contributes to the paper has high editorial standards for themselves and for our entire team. Unfortunately, as the editor-in-chief, I failed to uphold those standards in last week’s edition.
Under the pressure of a late-night deadline, I failed to listen to the advice of my fellow editors who opposed a section that was written in a way to attribute “out of context” quotes to some of the staff. Instead of being amusing, this section harmed the reputations of staff members and the integrity of the paper as a whole. The quotes in this section were inappropriate and in bad taste.
I sincerely apologize for my actions and accept the disciplinary measures our faculty advisors have put on me for this incident.
Going forward, I am committed to working with The Globe staff and faculty advisors as we modify editorial processes so that this kind of incident does not happen again. I also hope to regain their trust so that I may return as the editor-in-chief. I love The Globe, and I deeply respect everyone who works hard each week to produce professional-level journalism focused on our community. I ask that you do not blame The Globe or anyone else involved with the paper for my lapse in judgment.