Student government finishes semester with executive cabinet changes
December 11, 2017
United Student Government (USG) Press Secretary Sabrina Bodon stepped down from her position and Recording Secretary Shaniece Lawrence concluded her term as she prepares to graduate at the end of this semester.
Former Treasurer Josh Croup will now serve USG as its press secretary, Senator Justin Stocklas will replace Croup as treasurer, and Senator Hannah Steiner will become recording secretary.
Croup has served as USG’s treasurer since the start of the fall semester. Former Senator-at-Large Stocklas has served as a senator since his appointment Nov. 13. Steiner has served USG as a senator representing the School of Arts and Sciences since her freshman year, according to a press release.
Parliamentarian Zac Seymour reminded senators that all candidates up for executive position appointments must speak for up to five minutes and answer questions.
While none of the candidates made prepared statements, Croup and Stocklas were questioned by the members of the legislative body. Stocklas spoke on his qualifications to become treasurer during a discussion held before the legislative body vote.
“I would take this position because I think that knowing the sort grievances and struggles club leaders and clubs in general help better me as a treasurer understand both aspects of USG, SAIL [the office of Student Activities, Involvement and Leadership] and clubs as a club leader,” Stocklas said.
The individual motions to appoint Croup, Stocklas and Steiner all passed. President Pro-Tempore Hayley Hoffman, Senator Samiar Nefzi and Senator Riley Frank opposed Stocklas’ appointment while the other motions were unanimous.
During committee reports, the legislative body discussed courses of action to improve student life on and off campus.
“We suggested that senators be assigned to two or three clubs,” Senator-at-Large Carlin Diachun said, “and either in lieu of their office hour or in addition to their office hour, go to those club meetings and be USG’s go-to person for those clubs during committee meetings about funding periods.”
Diachun also suggested flyers be made and hung around campus listing USG’s office location and hours.
“We personally went over to SAIL,” President Pro-Tempore Hoffman said. “I got very mixed feelings about if they know the process, if they are trained.”
Senator Matt Bauman discussed progress in getting a printer in Boulevard Apartments capable of wireless printing and getting university shuttles to have an accurate schedule and routes to South Side.
Other plans discussed during the meeting included adding more 24/7 lounge spaces on campus; inviting board members, library staff, club leaders and Chief of Police Jeffrey Besong to speak at further USG meetings; renovating the pool area in the basement of the Student Center; and exploring student parking options near campus with deals through the university.
“We will have about $5,000 of rollback that will come back to us next semester that will go towards next semester’s budget,” Croup said. “Next semester’s budget should sit at around the same amount because of that.”
President Bobby Bertha concluded the meeting telling senators that development of these ideas will be pursued over break, especially securing guest speakers at future meetings.
Disclosure: USG Press Secretary Josh Croup is co-sports editor for the Globe and former Press Secretary Sabrina Bodon is Online Editor for the Globe.