Post Malone wows with new album
September 18, 2019

Post Malone has finally dropped his third album that fans have all been waiting for. Longtime fans of Post Malone, you are aware of his deeply emotional songs. It is this unique characteristic that sets Post Malone apart from the rest of the rappers in the industry. “Hollywood is Bleeding” is no exception, ruthlessly calling the industry out along with the fake people involved.
Hollywood is Bleeding
“Hollywood is Bleeding,” the title track, may sound depressing, but symbolizes a big step in Malone’s life. According to Malone, he has been wanting to move out of the Hollywood scene, and with the release of this album, he has finally made the leap from L.A. to Utah. Not only is this Malone’s way of announcing his move, but it is also his way of calling out Hollywood for the messed-up realities of the industry. Malone says that in his opinion, it was one of his darkest songs on the album.
Taking a turn from Hollywood is Bleeding, Malone’s second song “Saint-Tropez” is a fun upbeat song. He admits there is no real deeper meaning in the song, but rather was a song he wrote out of pure enjoyment. Malone enjoys making songs that appeal to emotions, but he also has stated he enjoys having a balance between emotional songs and fun songs on his album. “Saint-Tropez,” as Malone stated, is a celebration of life to forget about the dark in the world.
On the Road
“Cause I’ve been on the road, been on the road, I quit actin’ like you’ve been with me this whole time.” These are the empowering lyrics of Malone, calling out those who did him wrong. Have you ever had a person in your life that was just your friend for their own benefit? A person who acted like you needed them but in reality they needed you more?
“On the Road” is a song that talks about that fake friend that was never really there for you. This goes back to the whole meaning of the record; symbolizing the fakeness of Hollywood and the people in it. “On the Road” also features Meek Mill and Lil Baby, two artists that Malone praises for their strength and honesty as his friends.
I’m Gonna Be
“I’m Gonna Be” is another one of Malone’s uplifting songs, encouraging self-love and self-acceptance. “But, I like this record,” Malone said, “‘cause I think it’s an encouragement to everyone who might be struggling with self-confidence, or whatever, to just do whatever the hell you want ’cause you’re a rockstar. And just be yourself, and don’t listen to anybody.” One of the main reasons Malone has had such a successful career is due to the emotion and honesty he pours into each of his songs, and “I’m Gonna Be” is no exception. Malone has been very open about his struggles and wanted to include this song on his newest album to remind his fans to be you no matter what others think or say.
I’m sure you’ve heard it a countless number of times, but we are known as the YouTube generation. It is no secret we are constantly on our phones checking Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and so forth. The internet is a powerful force in our generation, which is the message Malone is trying to get across with the song “Internet.” Kayne West originally wrote the melody and lyrics to the two-verse song, but Malone fell in love with the meaning of the song and decided to record it. He admits “Internet” is a song he has had for a long time now, but wanted to save it and felt that the song fit and conveyed the message behind “Hollywood is Bleeding” best. Malone makes an effort to stay away from the glitz and glam of social media, admitting he only posts on his Instagram to keep his fans updated on the good stuff going on.