Pittsburgh holds fourth annual Women’s March
Photo by Sarah Cronin
January 22, 2020
The weather wasn’t forgiving in the city on Jan. 18th; however, the icy rain didn’t stop hundreds to gather at the Pittsburgh City County building to participate in Pittsburgh’s fourth annual Women’s March.
Tracy Baton, founder of the Pittsburgh Women’s march, knew to expand the Women’s March to Pittsburgh, as the Russian interference in the 2016 election unfolded.
“I tell people if your vote didn’t matter, the Russians wouldn’t be trying to steal it,” Baton said.
The Women’s March originally began in 2017, the day after Trump’s inauguration. Hundreds of cities across the nation continued to take part in their own Women’s March since 2017, including Pittsburgh.
Pittsburgh’s Women’s March began at the Pittsburgh City County building and traveled the streets of the city to end in Market Square.
The city’s 2020 march was titled “Women’s March Pittsburgh: Hear Our Vote!” The title tied into a crucial, umbrella theme of this year’s march which voiced the importance of voting. The local primary election is April 28 and the general election is Nov. 3.
“We feel like where we’ve been the strongest is in collecting power for women to vote, people to vote, for women’s lives,” Baton said.
Prior to the march, elected officials spoke to the audience such as State Sen. Pam Iovino and Rep. Conor Lamb. A number of candidates running for the April primary were also present to speak before the crowd such as Sara Innamarto, Emily Kinkead, Aerion Abney, Sharon Guidi, Sarah Heck, Christina Hartman, Michael Lamb, Ed Gainey, Michele Knoll, Garret Wassermann, Marco Attisano and Jay Costa.
Baton discussed that nationally women recognize their power by way of more women running for office around the country. However, locally, there are still prevalent issues remaining that need discussion.
Many of the candiates discussed the issue of the poor quality of life for black women in Pittsburgh.
According to Public Source, a study released by the University of Pittsburgh, researchers in 2019 found that the infant mortality rate for black babies is six times higher than it is for white babies. The study also revealed that black women and children are more likely to live in poverty in Pittsburgh.
Unity principles of the Women’s March were also displayed such as reproductive rights, LGBTQ rights, worker’s rights, civil rights, disability rights, immigrant rights and environmental justice.
Point Park senior global and cultural studies major Drue Glaser attended her third Women’s March on Saturday.
“Consistently showing up in numbers across the country every year is a cipher for change. I think it’s important to keep showing up because it shows we won’t be silenced,” Glaser said. “Today was especially encouraging to me because it proved that people are willing to work in the rain or shine to create and enact systems of justice and equity for all in America.”