Halftime show proves to be more than entertainment
February 5, 2020
At this year’s Super Bowl Halftime show, Shakira and Jennifer Lopez blew all of our minds. As soon as Shakira came on stage and the intro notes to “She Wolf” started to play, all of America, that is, all of America that has more than three brain cells, went crazy. It was glorious.
JLo on the pole was an incredible showing of strength. The entire performance was rich with Latin culture. It was a total celebration of the power of women, specifically, the power of Latina women.
And in the grand scheme of the entire Super Bowl, it was a piece of the beauty. The Super Bowl has become more than a football game. It is an iconic pop culture moment that blends the best of sports, entertainment and television ads. Sometimes, when your favorite team is not in the mix, it is the perfect, carefree thing to watch and enjoy.
When the Pittsburgh Steelers aren’t in the middle of things, the Super Bowl is an incredibly relaxed event in this city. It doesn’t matter who wins, but it’s an interesting game to watch. The halftime shows are very fun to judge, and the TV ads are the perfect fodder for memes.
Shakira and JLo redeemed the night from the disappointments presented to us in the form of not-so-great tax service commercials and the infamous Baby Nut. They were the highlight of the night and deserve all of the hype they’ve been given.
Shakira’s hips never lie, and JLo is still Jenny from the block, and these two things were proven in their performance. The football was okay, the ads were alright, but the halftime performance was the moment of the night that we will all remember.
S. Ozanich • Feb 5, 2020 at 2:19 PM
For the men in the audience, I get it. But this performance was nothing less than a soft porn show – using a “stripper “ pole, costumes that didn’t cover much, twerking and sowing off their behinds. And they do have beautiful bodies.
This half time show was clearly not appropriate for all the children watching. In fact my 8 & 11yr old grandkids didn’t like it either. Wanted to know why their almost bare butts were showing.
I hope future half time shows will consider that we need a family friendly show.