The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame process needs to change
November 10, 2021
Since 1986, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Foundation has been bestowing what they deem “rock’s highest honor” on musical artists, inducting them into a hall of fame so long as they meet their criteria: have a debut album that’s 25 years or older, be or have been “influential,” and make it through their voting process after being nominated. What ultimately separates the nominees from the inductees is the third thing on that list, which is the source of the grievances I have with the Rock Hall. Since the latest class was inducted on October 30, I thought now would be as good a time as any to air them out.
The process begins with the members of the Rock Hall nomination panel creating a list of nominees, usually including 15 or so artists. Seemingly, why given artists are chosen in a given year is random; it’s just what the panel felt like going with that year I guess. As long as they’re deemed influential and released their first album 25 years ago or more, they’re fair game to be nominated. From there, the list is released to the public, and to yet another panel, this time ultimately responsible for choosing which nominees will become inductees. A poll is also released, where fans have the opportunity to vote daily for as many inductees as they like. The idea is that this poll will contribute to the panel’s decision. At the end of April, the fan vote is closed, and in May, the new class of inductees is announced, usually including 5 to 7 artists.
At its core, the process is a pretty flawed one, considering the subjective nature of a lot of the decisions that need to be made. One person might not agree with another’s definition of influential, artists that have made significant contributions to pop culture could be snubbed because of the board member’s personal preferences, etc. It doesn’t help that Rock Hall isn’t exactly transparent about the inner workings of the process; about all they’ll provide in the way of explanation is similar to the short summary that I gave above.
But my biggest problem is the fact that there is a voting process at all after the nomination. I don’t understand why there needs to be so many steps here. In the initial voting for the nominees, the panel picks artists that they deem to be influential and worthy of induction into their hall of fame. Shouldn’t that just be the end of it? What makes these artists any less or more worthy after the voting process, besides the fact that the panel subjectively chose who they felt like letting in that year? This isn’t like the Oscars or something where there’s only one award that has to be given to someone. If your whole mission is about recognizing artists’ accomplishments, why is there more to this process than just inducting them in? Oh, it’s an honor just to be nominated. But is it though? Is it if you’re just going to end up slighting people on grounds that are rooted in opinion, even though you have the freedom with this model to let in as many people as you want? My favorite is when they nominate people again after they didn’t make it the first time. “Hey Chaka Khan, we love your stuff! We think you’ve made really great contributions to the industry. Anyways, we’re going with these other guys, you get it. But hey, we’ll nominate you six more times in the coming years and still never let you in, cool?” If you’ve deemed Chaka Khan as influential, shouldn’t she then, by your logic Rock Hall, just be let in? Why do you have to pit people against each other in a gauntlet with weird rules and advantages for certain parties when no one even knows what they’re fighting for? Is this about measurable things, like record sales, or stuff impossible to gauge like pop culture influence? Oh, it’s both. Then how is anyone ever supposed to clearly understand what it takes to be let in? With a process that is already so subjective in nature, it just doesn’t make any sense to me to add additional hoops that need to be jumped through. If you have deemed someone as an influential contributor to the music industry, that should be the end of it. They have already proven themselves to the world, they shouldn’t have to now prove themselves to your council. If Leonardo DiCaprio loses an Oscar to Jamie Foxx, you can argue it’s because Foxx gave a better performance in that given year. Next time around, there is the potential for something to change: for Leo to give a better performance and get the Oscar. There’s no change here since we’re looking at whole careers. It doesn’t make sense that Kraftwerk wasn’t good enough last time, but they are this time.
If it’s not enough that the process doesn’t make sense, and that the committee’s end of the decision is rooted in unclear factors, the fan vote is basically a joke. What do you mean Pat Benatar came in second in the fan vote…but wasn’t chosen to be inducted, while Nine in Nails, who came in 11th were? That same year, 2020, T. Rex was also chosen to be inducted after coming in last on the vote. Only one of the artists who made it into the top five, which are supposed to be the artists entered on the fan ballot, made it in that year. Nothing about this process is rooted in anything tangible.
Not only is it a slap in the face to nominate these artists year after year just to not let them in, but I also think it’s incredibly insulting that they’ve included memorabilia from artists that they’ve failed to induct in their museum, or even asked them to induct other artists! How are you going to ask Duran Duran to induct Roxy Music when they’ve been eligible for induction themselves for years and you keep snubbing them? How are you going to put Depeche Mode adverts in your museum, in 2017 before they were inducted, when they’re not in your hall of fame? It’s just more of the same: let’s recognize people’s worth, and Rock Hall’s favorite, their influence, but then not do anything with it because we’ve decided based on nothing to go with someone else.
In essence, I appreciate what the Rock Hall is trying to do. I like them as an organization. I went to the museum when I was 13 and loved it. But every year, I get more and more fed up with the way they run their induction. Some of it is based on my own biases of course. Was it the final nail in the coffin seeing them nominate and not induct Kate Bush? I mean, not quite: that’ll be if they do that to Duran Duran, but it still hurt. Overall, it’s about the unfairness in telling these artists that they deserve a place after a successful career and then not giving it to them when there’s nothing stopping them from doing so. I believe that major fundamental changes need to be made in order to really make it “rock’s highest honor.” If Johnny Rotten sends you a handwritten note comparing your museum to “urine in wine” at the news of being inducted, I think you’ve got a problem. Do away with the second vote. Find a way for fans to be involved with the initial process, and leave it at that.
Yesman • Apr 14, 2024 at 10:31 AM
A lot of other musicians who have founded rock and roll should be indicted too this should be called The Rock and Roll Hall of Shame who’s next on the 2025 inductees Pee-wee Herman
Yesman • Apr 14, 2024 at 9:52 AM
Unfortunately the rock and roll hall shame has not indicated Styx Boston and other artists that were founding fathers of rock who’s next 2025 pee wee herman
vito carli • Mar 4, 2024 at 2:09 PM
The most important qualification for the rock hall should be excellence nut how influential should also be more important than record sales. Aside from record sales Foreigner are not important at all in the story of rock. They sound like dozens of other generic corporate rock bands who took up radio space and kept dozens of better new wave bands off the radio. Sure they are technically competent but their songs are little more than written down cliches sounding like stuff Bad Company threw in the garbage. Also while Sheryl Crow is passable she is one of the lesser and least innovative major female stars to emerge in the 90s. Polly Harvey, Courtney Love, Liz Phair, Kathleen Hannah, Shirley Manson, Tori Amos, Susanne Vega, Tracy Chapman, Alanis Morissette, and especially Bjork are all far more interesting. Crow mostly just plays it safe and got rewarded for not sticking her neck out. Bon Jovi’s induction was a low point in the rock hall but Motley Crue would be even worse.
Diana Clark • Dec 7, 2021 at 5:33 PM
Did Neil Sedaka get in? Why not? He wrote and recorded great songs in the 50’s and 60’s.He even wrote songs with Carole King.He is long over due for this honor.
Stu Lively • Dec 6, 2021 at 1:18 PM
The Go Go’s but not Marvelettes, maybe I am missing something. Would imagine the list of snubbed artists in lengthy and in ways debatable. But seriously no Guess Who.
Jennifer Cramer • Dec 6, 2021 at 3:35 AM
I will never understand the outright disrespect in not inducting Pat Benatar!!
Robert Ward • Dec 5, 2021 at 8:02 PM
I like Jay Z and LL Cool J but they’re not Rock N Roll. There’s so many ” Rock ” bands that were past over for Hip Hop artists. ( Soundgarden , The Replacements , Iron Maiden , Jethro Tull , Duran Duran etc… ). You don’t see Led Zeppelin or Nirvana getting nominations at the BET awards. Wanna know why , because their not Hip Hop. It’s that simple. Somehow these old farts got suckered into the be inclusive narrative.
Andra • Dec 10, 2021 at 3:32 AM
Hip Hop has always been rooted on Rock. Do your research…..
Biggie Smalls • Dec 4, 2021 at 6:02 PM
“A poll is also released, where fans have the opportunity to vote daily for as many inductees as they like.”
Close – fans can vote daily for up to five inductees, not as many as they like.
Totally agree with the main point of this story, however. There’s also a strong bias against metal and hard rock. Take Iron Maiden this year and Judas Priest last year. Both finished in the top five of the fan vote and, naturally, neither band got inducted.
James Bishop Scott • Dec 3, 2021 at 2:04 PM
The problem I have with the rock and roll hall of fame is your letting people and groups are not rock and roll I’m not saying anything bad about these types of acts but hip hop and rap needs their own museum you don’t put country artists into the rock and roll hall of fame and rock and roll folks are not going into country music hall of fame . It’s not the music hall of fame it’s the ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME. I live in the Nashville area and we have two music hall of games. The Country Music Hall of Fame and the Song Writers Hall of Fame. The Country Music Hall of Fame inducts Country folks into it. The Song Writers Hall of Fame puts Writers from all types of music. So the rock and roll hall of fame needs to get their house in order when it comes to artists
Chaka Khan • Dec 4, 2021 at 6:03 PM
Spot on!
Sharon • Dec 3, 2021 at 2:18 AM
It’s the Rock and Roll hall of fame. News flash, this encompasses more than just classic rock, hard rock and heavy metal. The snobbery has to stop. Rap, hip hop, and R&B and yes some Pop, fall under the Rock and Roll Banner. Fair is fair. Pop music is popular music. Early British invasion music was considered pop at the time. Early boy band, even. Think about early Beatles hits such as I Want to Hold Your Hand. They definitely had a huge influence on music. No one would ever argue their induction into the HOF. Be fair!
vito carli • Mar 4, 2024 at 2:12 PM
It should be renamed the Rock, Pop and Hip Hop hall of Fame.
Donovan Henry • Dec 2, 2021 at 5:24 PM
Use less article, nominee are to narrow down the list and let the public decide. To many ARTIST deserve to get in on merit but aren’t popular enough to draw an audience. A museum needs audience to stay in business so keeping them involved keeps the Hall alive.
Lynn • Dec 2, 2021 at 11:37 AM
Bravo!!! Great reasoning. As more & more ROCK musicians get snubbed in favor of different genres, it’s way past time to make the changes needed to get back to the integrity of it’s actual title. Too many older & qualified (according to the rrhoshame rules themselves) have been getting subbed for years. There’s a reason the judges names are kept a secret. IMHO only rock & roll musicians should be judges. THEY know! I flushed that hall of shamed the very second they nominated Madonna & Janet. Pop not rock. and we all know the difference between the two. Now they are putting in rap/hip hop. Why can’t those genres get their own financing & get their own hall? Might was well change the name now to music hall of fame. Easy to get into that one. Be popular & have a select # of top ten hits & VOILÁ! They are in.
Frenchie • Dec 2, 2021 at 7:13 PM
I feel the same way too, just think, Boston, Foreigner,Styx, Ronnie James Dio,Iron Maiden, and I could go on and on at how STUPID the selection committee is, When Janet was put in, my blood BOILED
There needs to be a new Rock and Roll hall of fame that needs to be Rock &Roll only, maybe put separate halls in (punk rock, heavy metal, new wave) but just what gets played on Rock and Roll radio stations (you’re not going to have Janet Jackson’s music played on a classic rock stations)
This is just my opinion
vito carli • Mar 4, 2024 at 2:18 PM
I find your thinking bizarre. From the beginning they have had non rock people in the hall but nobody complained about the old people that didn’t fit the definition. Should they have rejected Michael Jackson, The Supremes, Bob Marley, Carole King, and Johnny Cash and put in Foghat and REO Speedwagon? If you are too narrow in your definition of rock you just end up with the old long haired white guys with a guitar in the band hall of fame? Yes and Metallica are almost as far from Buddy Holly as NWA and Tupac.
Joe • Dec 1, 2021 at 10:27 PM
Can’t figure why a band like Jethro Tull who have been making albums and -playing concerts since 1968 are still not in HOF. Seems ridiculous to me.
Floyd • Nov 19, 2021 at 5:38 PM
If you ask me, they should just do it with the nominees being chosen by members of the music press and by music historians (as they would be the most qualified to judge how influential an artist is), and then the public voting on those nominees to see who gets in.
Donna • Nov 15, 2021 at 6:52 PM
I couldn’t agree more about the Rock Hall’s methods of inducting an artist.
I am a big fan of Melissa Etheridge. To me she encompasses the very heart of rock and roll. She’s a Grammy AND Oscar winner. She has been at the forefront of LGBTQ and breast cancer awareness. She wrote an anthem about breast cancer that Ford used. Her accolades are numerous yet Melissa still has not gotten into the Hall. Yet, artists that don’t embody rock keep getting in year in and year out. COME ON!!!
Music lover • Nov 15, 2021 at 4:24 PM
Rock n Roll Hall of Fame needs to change their name to Music Hall of Fame! This organization USE to be decent! Not anymore! Why not ZZTop, Foreigner? They have paid more dues then Beyoncé and JayZ.. this is almost laughable if it wasn’t so sadistic ..
Topkat • Nov 14, 2021 at 4:35 PM
White Rock artists are getting in. Black R&B artists are NOT. truly UNFAIR.
As the early inducted R&B artists that comprise the Voting Body are dying off, that voting body has become whiter and whiter…and they are voting more and more for their OWN. As a result, some truly legendary and deserving artists are being systematically SNUBBED…and many are not even being NOMINATED.
Why nominations or inductions for: The Spinners, The Marvelettes, Mary Wells,
The Commodores, The Pointer Sisters, Patti LaBelle & The Bluebelles/LaBelle
Barry White, Natalie Cole, Dionne Warwick, Jr. Walker & The All-Stars, The Stylistics, The Chi-Lites (who were just awarded a STAR on The Hollywood Walk of Fame recently) , Roy Hamilton, Gene Chandler (The “Duke of Earl” is
good enough to be a DOUBLE INDUCTEE into the R&B Hall of Fame..but
NOT good enough to even be NOMINATED into THIS one? with some 40 Pop and R&B Chart Hits ?) Ditto Motown’s Marvelettes…Motown’s first successful girl group, with some 26 chart hits,.. including Motown’s FIRST #1 Pop hit…and songs recorded by everyone from The Carpenters to the Beatles ,to Jerry Garcia, yet they get SNUBBED, while The Go-Gos with only SEVEN HITS ,get IN ?
The Contours, The Belmonts, The Olympics, Jerry Butler (solo) Ben E.King (solo). Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes, The Dramatics,Brook Benton, The Delfonics, and MORE…all SNUBBED by the “Hallowed Hall” ? Yet ,only Rockers and Rappers get in ? REALLY ?
Something needs to CHANGE…
ROBERT J. ELLISON • Dec 6, 2021 at 8:07 AM
Bob Ellison on a few questions. I listen to Casey Kassim, American Top 40 for years. He ranks the hits. I want to know, with lots of hits, what happens. Take Dr.Hook and Ray Sawyer, rocked the pop chart in the 70’s. Then came Kool and Gang, with James ” JT ” Taylor . They both had lots of hits. Made lots of money, and had album sales. What did they both do wrong. More hits, then the new inducted GO GO’S. They had 3 straight number 1 songs. With a short career. How do people vote. I visited the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. In my August vacation. I can’t remember if Foreign was in or not. They have a lot of hits. With lead singer Lou Graham. Please put these 3 in, if there not in. The world needs true bands in there. Thank you for your time, for listening on an opinion.