Generation Z and older generations are living in the best, and worst, time of human history.
As the year rolls to a close, I hope I’m not alone in thinking that 2023 has been a year volatile enough to eat you alive. It’s been simultaneously cut-throat and one of the best times to live in. There is always positivity to be had for the rest of the year and for 2024.
The year provided a mix of improvements in the public health sphere, sports contracts, catastrophic events and humanitarian crises which can only be labeled as detrimental and unjust to society. We are at a time now where life expectancy is higher than ever, but recognized mental health disorders are at an all-time high.
It is hard to know where to start, or even what to include in this article, but I want everyone to be able to feel like they are rich in happiness, friends, family, career opportunities – whatever sparks joy within them.
We live in an endless cycle of cancel culture, the internet and often the expectation that everyone should know who they are. It is okay to take the time to figure out who you are. People may not always change, but we are surely capable of reflecting and making minimal and radical changes to the parts of us that we decide no longer fit our identities.
This year I’ve adapted John and Hank Green’s mindset that the world may be in a worse state in ten or fifteen years, but it will not end. We will survive, along with the animals who can survive the constant fight against climate change to stay in their habitats. It is entirely unethical that we have to spend each day fighting just to maintain the desire to stay alive, but it is important to realize most of this is out of our control.
I do, however, want to emphasize that there are small steps you can take to create a world which is easier to live in. You can contribute to less waste, eat less meat, get vaccinated and boosted, volunteer and be a reliable person the people in your life can look up to.
Although I can only guess that you have also at one point thought of giving up on everything, it’s difficult for me to admit how easy this is to do. Even though it may feel like giving up is the easiest route to take and would give you the least bit of trouble, it’s important to power through and appreciate the little things in life. I am looking forward to seeing everyone’s future, reenergized selves, because there is always a positive, even if it is just making it home to give your dog a boop on the nose. Chances are, that would make both you and your dog be in a positive mood afterwards. If we don’t feel gratitude for the little things now, we will not have the spirit when we are older to fight for the younger generations. We do not want to be grumpy people, as that would be less than ideal.
If there is one general critique I have for elder generations, it is that they could tell their stories more. Yes, please tell me how you protested against the Vietnam War in college. Yes, please tell me how your family finally convinced your brother to stop smoking. Yes, please tell me about how you always felt like you could do more. I have such a distinct admiration for the teachers in the world, and nearly all of them which have taught me have carried me through to becoming the person I am today.
Thank you. I wish all Pioneers a Happy New Year, and that your 2024 ends up being better than 2023 ended up being.