In a final amendment to SGA’s constitution during a meeting on Monday, April 15, President Marc Palombo and Vice President Trevor FitzSimmons introduced Resolution BL.04152024.
The resolution aims to give future SGA presidents and vice presidents free on-campus housing for the summer and academic year, paid for by the dean of students.
It also provides them with a free meal plan.
The amended Bylaw 204.6 previously only provided free housing for the summer.
“I think this legislation is a no-brainer,” Senator Riley Mahon, a freshman political science major, said.
“It’s really expensive to be here, and the president and vice president are putting in so much work to better the school and student life for everyone,” Mahon said.
Palombo said the effectiveness of the resolution is contingent on available housing next semester.
“It depends on if we have the space,” Palombo said. “If you’re on campus you’re more available for students and it’s just better for everyone.”
According to FitzSimmons, the last two presidents of SGA were commuters.
“They were not as visibly active on campus,” said FitzSimmons. “This resolution could help change that for both the president and vice president.”
The resolution passed 11-0, with abstentions from president-elect Kyle MacLaughlin and vice president-elect Dillion Peterson.
The Constitution of the Black Diamondettes Majorette and Step Team was approved unanimously.
It says it will “empower members from underrepresented groups by providing them with opportunities for leadership, skill development and personal growth through various art forms of dance.”
SGA’s final meeting for the semester concluded with a swear-in ceremony for all newly elected members.
Vice President FitzSimmons officially passed his gavel down to Dillion Peterson, who presided over the ceremony as the newest Vice President of SGA.
Peterson led MacLaughlin in swearing an oath to the office of President of SGA.
Five newly elected senators were also sworn in.