Free to every student who visits the Health Center, Rebecca Harper, director of Health Services offers free contraceptives and a table of free “take only what you need” menstrual products.
Students can sign up for two monthly programs titled “The Glove Box” and “The Cycle” that both offer
a wider range of period and contraceptive products as well.
“The Cycle” is a once a month period bag subscription that offers 10 period products depending
on what a student chooses.
The program also includes add-ons like reusable period underwear, menstrual cups and disposable menstrual discs.
Students can find the online sign up form for “The Cycle” on the Health center’s website.
According to the Health Resources and Service Administration (HRSA), 94% of college students are sex-
ually active and “many engage in a wide variety of sexual risk behaviors that can have long-lasting im-
“The Glove Box” is also a monthly subscription service that students can sign up for online and have
delivered to their dorms. The box comes with 20 condoms and three to five packs of lube.
Once a student signs up they should expect to receive it the following week.
Commuter students can pick up their boxes in person.
The office is located on the 3rd floor of the Student Center and same-day ap- pointments are often
available. To book an appointment, students can find the link on the Health Center’s page at
The Health Center is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and is closed from 12:30 p.m. to 1 p.m.