The Globe’s Point: Remote Rodeo Round Two

Pioneers, as you’re already well aware, Point Park has gone completely online…again. What was considered the unthinkable back in early March of just this year is now reality, and the novelty of remote learning has certainly worn off for many, if it ever existed in the first place.

This time, however, we’re slightly more prepared. Students and faculty knew well before the start of the semester that we would be shifting to all remote learning after Thanksgiving Break. While Point Park had online-only students pursuing their degrees before the coronavirus pandemic even started, many more students have also been taking a majority if not all of their classes through some kind of screen since the start of the semester. And now most teachers are generally capable of holding classes without the massive technological mishaps that defined the end of the Spring 2020 semester and the beginning of the Fall 2020 semester.

That doesn’t mean we’re out of the woods yet. With COVID-19 cases worse than they were when we were first shunted off campus, there is every likelihood that some of our Point Park community and/or those close to them have the virus. In most cases, we as students are once again being separated from our friends on campus before the end of the semester. It is a situation designed to create stress for anyone.

You may be feeling more trapped than ever, but The Globe is here to tell you that we’re here, and we can make change together.

The power behind journalism is this: a credible media outlet that holds weight behind it and therefore so does the content that is allowed to be published through that outlet. The Globe itself is an award-winning publication, committed to bringing you innovative stories and exploring student perspectives. We have routine meetings with administration officials, who regularly read our stories. The key point to take away: the people making decisions about your tuition, room and board, academic options and extracurriculars read this newspaper.

If you are having problems with a particular faculty member, reach out to us. If you want to vent about or praise the way the administration has handled safety on campus, write an opinion piece and send it to us. Public scrutiny is one of the best motivators out there for people in power to adjust what they are doing.

Even though we are stuck at home again, The Globe is here to make your voices heard.