USG forced to re-vote on club budget

Written By Alex Grubbs, USG Beat Writer

Confusion hit student government as its vice president failed to broker a tie vote on a club’s budget last week.

“I take responsibility for this whole mess,” United Student Government (USG) Vice President Bobby Bertha said Monday as the legislative body had to re-vote on Theater Club’s budget.

Last week, USG allocated funds to over 30 clubs and organizations last Monday while senators questioned whether Theater Club needed a full $1000 for its upcoming event “COPA Prom.

Sen. Samiar Nefzi moved to amend the total budget to $260 to only cover the two security guards requested as compared to the hotel reservation for the event.

When voting to amend the budget, Nefzi approved and President Pro-Tempore Shaniece Lawrence opposed while the rest of the legislative body abstained. Although ruling that the amendment failed, Bertha did not broker the one-to-one tie on that vote as he was required to break the tie.

Bertha then went on to the proposed motion by Sen. Shayna Mendez to approve the full $1000 to the club. However, after the meeting, the executive cabinet found the discrepancy and it was sent back to the legislative body to fix the error on Monday.

However, the senators initially showed confusion on what was going on.

“I have a feeling you don’t know what you’re doing,” Dean of Student Life Michael Gieseke pointed out to the confused senators.

But after an explanation from Parliamentarian Charles Murria, the senators recast their votes on the amendment to reduce the budget to $260 with Nefzi, and now Sens. Riley Frank, Nick Hesselbirg and Hannah Steiner approving it, Lawrence opposing and the others abstaining.

Lawrence, President Blaine King and Treasurer Amber Mole asked about the budget decrease while King further asked about the difference in the vote from last week.

“I feel obligated to mention that they do not need to answer the question,” Bertha interjected.

After last week’s amendment’s correction, Nefzi moved to bring the cost back to $1000.

Since the original motion for the club’s $1000 budget proposal was still open because of last week’s mishap, the senators voted to approve Theater Club’s full budget with Nefzi, Frank and Lawrence opposing and Sens. Daniel Murphy and Hayley Hoffman abstaining.

USG also revisited Table Top Tirade’s budget after sending it back to finance committee due to not recalling why there were recommendations for a lower budget.

It granted the organization with $718, only agreeing to pay for eight prizes for four tournament events for the organization’s “Game Night” and funding some food for its “Charade Night.”

Other supplemental
funds were granted to Black Student Union and Broadcast Education Association after appeals were sent in.

Although updating budgets of clubs was the primary discussion of th meeting, USG invited Title IX Coordinator Lib Rosemeyer to speak on the about upcoming events.

Title IX covers discrimination of gender and sex and ensures it does not happen in the university’s academics or programs.

Rosemeyer announced her office’s Break the Silence in Sexual Violence event to be held Friday, March 31 at the Playhouse – the first time at the location.

Other smaller events will be held on campus to bring awareness to consent, sexual violence and alcohol throughout the rest of the semester.

Additional announcements included King’s opposition to endorsing candidates in the upcoming USG elections.

“I will not be endorsing anyone at all,” King said. “I want it to be a fair election.”

Bertha and Murria are running for president and Recording Secretary Davion Heron and former senator Kris Chandler are running for Vice President.

All senator positions are opened for re-election.

Voting will take place the week of April 3-7.