The Globe’s Point – The real horror is yet to come


Written By Editorial Board

Halloween is over.

You know what this means? It’s time to start dying Easter eggs.

In an attempt to get ahead of the capitalist game that is the holidays, we might as well tell ourselves that.

November is real and it’s anxious. Thanksgiving is ready to sink its gravy-soaked talons into its hapless victims. If we’re honest, it feels like it’s been ready to do just that since June. And who could forget the worst pseudo-holiday of them all, Black Friday? Within a month, hundreds of thousands of parents will invade malls and decimate each other in order to get their child a gaming system and a humorously large television.

Before you know it, you’ll be lusting after the Valentine’s Day candy-ridden aisles of Target or buying those plastic, emerald green beads for St. Patrick’s Day. Can’t you just smell the air during the St. Patrick’s Day parade? Truly astonishing.

It’s a hard time to be alive during the holidays. They tend to be over before they even begin here in America. Let’s be honest, some holiday seasons don’t even feel special thanks to the way they’re marketed to us.

Despite what people tell you about the holidays, most times they don’t live up to hype. But rather than try and listen to the hype, try enjoying the holidays with your family. The best part of these days (that we use as an excuse to spend money and drink alcohol,) is the people we spend them with. Don’t rush this holiday season, enjoy it.

It’s sad to see Halloween go, because now the season of true terror begins. Hold your loved ones close and prepare for a whirlwind of free enterprise.

So get your Martinelli ready and put on your Oriental Trading Post 2018 sunglasses — October’s over and so is your faith in humanity.