A student’s response: ‘I hope we can all learn and grow’

Written By Dennis McDermott

This article is a direct response to an article that appeared in the Opinions section of The Globe last week. This really should go without saying, but I want everyone to know that not only the opinion presented last week, but also the opinion I am about to present, do not reflect the opinions of The Globe or any of its many members that work hard each and every week to put this paper together. I would also like to state that I do not agree with what some have said to Logan on Twitter and written on his whiteboard, but I believe that more responses than not are not without merit.

Logan, early in your article you wrote that ever since Donald Trump won the 2016 election that you went from “not having opinions to having nothing but opinions.” I’m really curious as to what about Donald Trump and the 2016 election piqued your interest and moved you from political apathy to political activism. I really do want to know. If you would like to either tell me personally, write another article in response, or take a picture of this article and post it to your “followers” on Twitter and get it “trending,” go for it. I’m flexible.

I think it’s important for you to consider the fact that you were able to “decide” to take an interest in politics and to recognize and appreciate that you enjoy a massive amount of privilege with the ability to make that choice. Many of our students on campus, and thousands of people around the United States, are forced to “take an interest” in politics because they are facing mounting medical bills, homelessness, racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism and transphobia. Recognizing your privilege is an important skill for everyone to learn and one that is necessary to learn to have positive interactions with not only people on campus, but people in future areas of employment and really just in general.

Speaking of transphobia. You said the tweets you had liked and even tweeted (that at the very least displayed negative opinions towards the transgender community), did not reflect your opinion, so what is your opinion? Do you regret liking the transphobic tweets and tweeting that transphobic statement? Logan, own up to your actions, recognize the things you’ve said and say can, and do hurt people. Point Park is a diverse and accepting campus. Point Park is a safe place for people of all kinds of different backgrounds and opinions. Point Park is accepting of everyone, but Point Park’s students will not accept racism, homophobia, sexism, ableism, discrimination and transphobia. Logan, I am not accusing you of being any of these things, but you really need to take a good look at how you present yourself (whether it be on social media or in person), and try to understand why some people may accuse you of being these things. You also need to take a look at the people you support and what they stand for – everything they stand for. If I thought a candidate I was supporting was any of the things I previously mentioned, I would not vote for that candidate under any circumstances. I would encourage you to delete and unlike the tweets I mentioned, and if you can work up the courage to do so, apologize. It’s actually really easy to do, many people will forgive you and you will feel a lot better for it.

Finally, do not accuse our university of being unaccepting when you set it up for failure in your own biased test. You are entitled to your own opinions, but what you have done is manipulative and wrong. Asking questions about “jolly ranchers” and Pixar movies until you can slowly work your way up to controversial political topics through  manipulative boundary pushing is wrong. You took something that I imagine many people on your floor may have enjoyed and even looked forward to, and turned it into something that not only offends others but makes them feel uncomfortable. By your actions, you have made Point Park, even if by the most miniscule amount, a less accepting place, but I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt for some reason. I’m willing to accept that you thought the question “Should the US have a wall?” was a harmless question that deserved a serious answer. If that truly is the case, let me help you understand why that question is harmful, may offend some and may make others uncomfortable. I will reiterate my tweet to you because I’m assuming that since you responded to everyone else’s tweet and not mine, that you just missed it. Many of our students have been directly affected or know someone who has been directly affected by the border policy and wall, and it’s important for you to realize that asking a question in which one answer means the separation of a group of people from their loved ones, is wrong. Thank you, and I hope we can all learn and grow from these recent events.