Globe’s Point: Finish Strong, Pioneers

Well, we’re here. The end of the semester. There are a million things that we could say here about that, but it is better to offer one, strong, consistent, message: you’ve got this.


You may be in a position where you are concerned that you will not be able to finish the semester. We urge you to be patient, to breathe, and to focus. There is a very good chance that you are making the amount of work that you have left to do this semester larger in your brain by worrying about it rather than doing it.


If you’ve missed assignments, talk to the professor. While some may be strict about deadlines, some may be understanding. We, likewise, encourage university faculty to be understanding of the issues that students face and to support students in need.


A semester of college is a marathon, not a sprint. It is important to remember that. If you have fallen behind a great deal, next semester you should reconsider your learning habits. Throughout your college experience, you are going to have to learn how to learn in a way that works for you. Avoid burnout wherever you can, and remember to take time for yourself throughout the semester before it gets to be too late.


Regardless, the semester will end whether you want it to or not. If it takes buckling down and doing nothing but schoolwork for a few weeks, then so be it. We hope that everyone will be able to complete their semester, and we believe in all of you.


After you complete your finals, enjoy the holidays. Take some time to be with your family and friends, and come back recharged and re-energized for the spring semester. That being said, from the Globe Editorial Board to all of you: good luck.